Thursday, April 2, 2009


I did not know my new friends in U has so many problems or at least I was innocent or dumb enough to not even sense or feel anything weird revolving around them, even with their new found ‘gangs’. I’m local and so would not fully understand the feelings felt. However, I can say that I should get about half of what they are experiencing or feeling or thinking in their mind.

A new Surrounding

Most undergraduates enter University with much preparation mentally, and, for some, happy while others seem to find themselves in their respective Unis. without even knowing the reasons. They arrive at a foreign ground, some without the slightest knowledge of what that place might be and the community of people there. Most people get homesick, missing families and loved ones, which is very normal to the fact of being separated from loved ones and family members for the very first time.

Loneliness is bound to surface. It’s just a matter of time before you either to let it conquer you in defeat or to take it as a challenge and improvise in your very own resource and appear victorious over it to be, perhaps, a better and improved person.

These are just beginnings. You have to take a big step to socialize and making new friends. You have studies and exams and assignments to bug you. Live just never seems right when you’re here in foreign soil. There’s always paranoia with your newly-acquainted friends, whether they be your seniors or peers. There just seems to be something there in your heart that seems to hold you back from being yourself with them and that might be the very thing that is pulling you down to the ground hard! All your feelings are jumbled up in a big box full of worries, paranoias, troubles, that you know can not be shared or people might think bad of you. You are of the minority and you can hardly say ‘NO’ for an answer because you fear the possibility of them deserting you.

Yes! All these are just but some of the tonnes of feelings in the deepest abyss of your heart. Solutions may reveal itself as time passes by, but time might be…. is of your essence!


AaRon said...

..... lolz

Peyling said... for me,eventhough i feel homesick,i also feel very happy and fortunate to come here and meet u all here^^

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