Sunday, November 1, 2009


I have just recently learnt that finishing your meal last among your friends and family are actually healthier!! How can that be possible you might ask?

As asians, our daily meal must include rice, noodle, etc which contains carbohydrate. Where does carbohydrate mainly get digested?

NO! you are wrong! It's inside our mouth, in the presence of amylase in our saliva. So, I can only imagine that eating(meals of carbs in it) in front of the computer, whether you be gaming or working, would actually be healthier for our gut!

As far as starch digestion is concern, eating while "computering" can unknowingly let us chew longer in our mouth while we're at the computer. This spells better breakdown of starch in our mouth to glucose and other simpler saccharides of starch by amylase enzyme. It decreases the chances of indigestion as our stomach juices are meant mainly for protein digestion instead of starch.

All of us heard before that eating whilst watching tv or while playing the computer is bad for digestion. How can that be true scientifically in health wise if what I have reasoned out above is actually of true fact?

.................Correct me if I am wrong..........


sweedielaalaa said...

hmmm.. interesting.. shall ask my prof to confirm.. where u get this news...

Meldon said...

i figured out myself de..but i know u know oso de saliva amylase tingma..stomach is pepsin trypsin all that wic are from protein ma..haha..the pc stuff jus a situation to kaitkan aje la..hahaha..might be crap tat part

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