Friday, September 12, 2008

How safe is Malaysian University?

A place where people hold up in high stature. A place where research and future scientists and experts of various fields in our community are born and trained. Yes there are more and more of these institutions right here locally in Malaysia offering the best of many other courses around the world! That is undeniably the actual fact of today’s world. However, an even greater undeniable fact of interest of these institutions are the safety issues that it is able to offer for its students and their parents alike. How safe are these Universities? A place for knowledge or ’something more’?

As if of bullets firing the bloody air of Iraq, we so often than not hear of news of rape cases, robberies, break-ins, among others, happening right insight the vicinity of Universities across the country. Now, some might not know alot of these from the National TV news for apparently those cases were simply covered up just in order to keep the University’s reputation. Rubbish! That’ll be the same as telling yourself to swim across a river full of crocs and at the same time convincing yourself that there isn’t any crocs!

The big question is why are those responsible for the University do such a thing? OK, fair enough if they did such cover-ups and actually improve on the safety of that University, giving it’s residents of thousands of students from all over the country a sense of security. But, now, cases seems to happen each year, having many innocent ‘white flowers’ fallen victims to inhumane ‘locusts’ devouring these ‘flowers’, snatching away their prospect happy, normal life in this world and country of theirs after their studies. Why are there such ‘locusts’? Giving goosebumps and worries to their families and loved ones alike? Why are there no action taken to hunt these people in the respected Universities?
What are the police and those responsible of the Universities doing? Are there keeping it as a secret even from the police? All these forced the students themselves to find and form their own groups or clubs within their own colleges as one of the measures to assure their own safety with the help and aid of their fellow friends. What kinda place is that? A place to study or a place for refugees?
Those people in charge, please, if you’re reading this, please do something about it. It has happened for so many years now and there are still no changes. But it is never too late to improve it. Heed our cries and worries, from students and parents alike. Don’t let it get any worse. There are enough ‘flowers’ getting hurt.....STOP IT!!!!!!!!

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