Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Panadol dilemma...??

For years it has been now that if there is any headache or fever or pain, then a self prescribed dose of fair Panadol (Paracetamol) would very much get rid of everything.

But think again! Panadol will reside in our body for AT LEAST 5(five) freaking years!!! This would burden our liver and kidneys extensively with more Panadol consumption, even only if taken for medicinal purposes.
I bet you don't want to go through dialysis at the prime of your life, do you..???

Doctors' know this fact a long time ago and they wouldn't count too much on Panadol in times of need. Rather they seek alternatives, either from Chinese herbs or others that would do them good. So why do they still prescribe such medication to their patients? Perhaps the effects of the amount of Panadol consumption in an average person that is purely for medicational purposes is negligible throughout their life though we cannot deny the probabilities of the so called "Old Man's Sickness" which surfaces slowly as we age, as the amount of Panadol accumulates as we age, has something to do with Panadol itself!

So the doctors explain, "Headaches is caused by the ionic or eletronic imbalance in our brain. To make you feel better, you can try this alternative...

1 or 2 cans of isotonic drink ( eg.100PLUS), and mix it with drinking water according to a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 (simply, it means one cup 100plus, one cup water or 2 cups water)."

"Another method is to....
...submerge your feet in a basin of warm water so that it bring the blood pressure down from your throbbing head."

I've heard of girls with menstrual pain and it seems that pain isn't the only think Panadol is capable of.
Some got their flow fluctuating and delayed or altered during menstruating period! Now that's really gonna leave a scar on the precious uterus in the long run.

So please cherish your life! Appreciate it while you have it.

Think twice the next time you decide to pop in a couple of "white candies" into that precious body of yours!!!

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